Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Walk Through Harlem

  Bessie's dentist office was on Seventh Avenue, along with James Weldon Johnson's house, Mother A.M.E. Zion Church, and the great architecture of Striver's  Row.  James Weldon Johnson was a black attorney, writer, and also headed the NAACP for 11 years.  He was a rather important and prominent citizen of Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance.  Sadie and Bessie also most likely went to one of the churches shown on the map, since religion was so important to them because they grew up with it, and their father was a pastor. Sadie and Bessie also used to go to Madam C.J. Walker's beauty salon to get their hair done.  They most likely spent some time at Speaker's Corner listening to people talk and protest.  They appreciated it when people did this.  Harlem was a busy place to be during the time that Sadie and Bessie lived there.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Expressions in Art

   This photo shows the slaves on the ships all chained up, so that they could not leave.  They would be chained so that they were not able to escape and jump of the ship.  The slaves were held captive and treated terribly.  They were not even regarded as being humans.  This was such a bad time in the history of the world, when people would treat others this terribly. Most of the slaves on the ships were terrified about what would actually happen to them, or whether they would even live to see land again.  This would be very fearful for anyone.

Picture: http://www.tfaoi.com/am/10am/10am92.jpg