Sunday, October 17, 2010

Political Climate of the 1950s- McCarthy Hearings

     I completely agree with this video.  The hearings never really did end instead it turned into a hunt for terrorists instead of communists.  Anyone can be accused and no evidence is really brought up.  In the McCarthy hearings Joseph McCarthy would accuse a ton of people and not really give evidence.  They would not really receive fair treatment in court, instead they were just convicted of being a communist, unless they gave the names of others.  It is so easy to just start blaming other people when you know that it will get you out of trouble, even if it is wrong to do so.  In the McCarthy hearings people would have to accuse their friends, so that they would not be put in jail.  This arrogant, self-centered man had no right to accuse all of these people or put them on trial for something barely any of them actually did.  I believe that we will always find a new group to persecute and accuse unfairly, just like the witch hunts, communism trials, and the terrorist scares. 

1 comment:

  1. tell it girl! This is a good, heart-felt reflection.
